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UNO Max weaving studio

Ailsa vIew

Ange contacted us as she was wanting to give up her commercial lease and move her weaving business to her home. They had a spare corner of the garden with stunning views towards Ailsa Craig and the Isle of Arran, which was perfect for said studio. 

First up came No More Digging to lay the ground screw foundation, an environmentally friendly yet incredibly robust base on which to build our room which had a slightly less conventional design to maximise the site. There were a number of trees on the site which at all costs we like to retain so we managed to squeeze the building in without having to remove the lovely silver birch to the front!

17 Ailsa View KA23 9GA 20230518 055 copyAnge wanted a nice wide access door on the short edge of the building to ensure her looms could get through with ease. To the front we placed a desk height window at one side and long tall windows to the other to allow for a sofa for client meetings and to enjoy the views. All along the back was to be storage and looms therefore this space was kept free of glazing. 

The room is heated via Herschel's ultra-slim and space-saving, infrared panels which use radiant heat to warm the room evenly creating a comfortable, natural feeling of warmth. SQ 17 Ailsa View KA23 9GA 20230518 053

Instead of directly heating the air in a room, the IR panels heat the walls, ceiling and floor evenly which absorbs the heat and gently re-emits the heat back into the room. This is more efficient than conventional heating systems which waste energy by heating large volumes of air. 

17 Ailsa View KA23 9GA 20230518 044 copy

The room is now an absolute hive of industry for Ange to run her business, Weft Blown, meet customers all while saving money on a commercial lease, perfect! 

Outside In Garden Rooms have been fantastic in building my new weaving studio. I would recommend using Outside In Garden Rooms as they do make it all so easy and it's well worth the money.

Ange Sewell

17 Ailsa View KA23 9GA 20230518 068
IMG 5090



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